Sunday, September 23, 2012


Brynn has always been a "quick" learner.  As an educator, I hesitate to say that she is quick for her age or ahead of the game. Nor will I be "that parent", I know my kiddo is WONDERFUL, but not perfect. :) I think it is to early to judge, but I believe she is a well rounded child. She is now at the point she  will try to think of a way to get her way. Thus she has begun to think, that she can out think us to get her way. So each week Matt and I often discuss "Brynn  Moments" and how we can parent her to use that quick mind to discover and develop her talents.   As a parent I am humbled daily, and often wonder if we are heading in the right direction or . . .:)  On these days we pray harder, and harder for our girls and that we would be a family full of grace, yet raise god fearing women. This week the "Brynn Moments" were many, but a few were classic that I want to remember.

On Wednesday's Brynn stays at Preschool for Lunch and Fun. This is a program that the preschool offers that allows kids to stay an extra hour, and eat lunch with their buddies.  Since I work in the AM this year this is the only day I can pick up.  However, it gives me the chance to see her interact, and support the preschool from a far. So. . I went to pick up, and this is how it played out:
 Me; (Driving through Pick Up Lane)  Hi! I am here to pick up Brynn (not many B's)
 Teacher: Brynn, is this your mommy?
 Brynn:  NO!!
Teacher: Is that your Mom's Van?
Brynn: NO!! That is not my mommy, and she does not have a Van!
Teacher: Brynn, are you sure?
Brynn: YES!! That is not my mommy.
Teacher: Mama (Southern) Can you show me your ID?
Me; Sure. .
Teacher; Brynn this is your Mom (places her in)
Me; Brynn. . What was that all about?
Brynn; I just wanted to stay and play or go back to Ms. Beth (babysitter)

With that said, she LOVES school and is learning new things. Her favorite is painting. She here is our artist!

My mom sent an Easter Dress to Brynn in March.  The dress was worn for at Easter and then she wore it sparatically. However, the last month she has been in LOVE with the dress again!! She wants to wear it EVERYWHERE!! I let her wear it many places, and then wash it.  Some days I hope and pray it gets lost. However, most days she finds it in the dryer before I can get it out. I truly believe it is the ONLY stain proof dress she has.  After the daily battle I have surrendered to the fact she is going to wear it again and again.  Then I become thankful we live in the South, and she is not going to FREEZE when she wears it. :)

Me; Brynn lets get dressed for church.
B; Can I wear my Easter Dress
Me; NO! It is fall, and I have a new dress that MaMa sent you.
B; I can not wear that! If I do they will send me home. No Animal print dresses at Church
Me ; What?!?!?
B; I just want to wear the Easter Dress!!
One last pic of a great Big Sister entertaining Madelyn

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