Wednesday, January 23, 2013


It Snowed in Kernersville last Thursday Night!! Since Brynn had "snow clothes" from Michigan she wanted to go out!! So, at 8:30 PM Matt and Brynn bundled up and went out for a night in the snow!  So when the snow was there in the morning, out she went in her PJ's. 
(School was cancelled, take a peak if you are from the north!!  haha)

Words and Reading Words

Language. . as many know I enjoy teaching kids to use language and read. I have become very passionate about bringing language skills to life through reading and experiences.  We  believe we have truly been blessed to have two girls that have met milestones on time or before.  So it is exciting to me that each of our girls have met language milestones this week!  I am EXCITED about both, and can not wait to develop them further.

Madelyn is TALKING!!  She does not say much but she has three sweet words:
  1.  Da Da Da Da
  2.  Bubba Bubba (Hudson, B's nickname for him is bubby)
  3.  MaMa

* We are working on Sis Sis, that is what Brynn wants to be called. :-)

 Brynn loves FANCY Nancy, and Fancy Nancy talks fancy and can read! So, Brynn wanted to learn how to Read.  So, we started this fall with basic letter sounds, and phonetic patterns. (Teachers Letterland) She caught on to the sounds in a few months. So we started putting together one syllable words with short /i/ and short /a/ and she was able to read them.  It amazed me so we play games I write words she reads them and runs to them in a circle. So below is one of our games.



Over Christmas Break, Matt, the girls and I traveled to Michigan to see the Bushen Family!! One thing that Brynn was excited to see was SNOW!! She had boots, hat, snowpants, a coat and wanted to see it.  It snowed most days we were there and she was THRILLED.  However, she complained she was cold several times.  Since North Carolina does not see a lot of snow, Brynn had never been sledding.  The last full day we were there my brother and his wife took B sledding.  She LOVED every minute of the sledding trip, and it looks like Jon and Heidi had fun also.  Thank-You to them!!


Holiday Family Pictures with the Bushen Family!! Madelyn is 6 1/2 Months, and Brynn is 3 1/2


New Bike and Toys..

Brynn and Madelyn like most of our children are a little spoiled, as all of their needs and many of their wants were met this holiday season.  Both of the girls recieved some new toys, and LOVE them. Like most kids they are often times more fasicinated with the other ones toys than their own.  Brynn loves M's toys, and Madelyn loves to touch B's stuff.  It is just great to see that they are getting loved on.   Brynn's favorite is a new bike, and we are impressed on how well she can ride the bike.