Sunday, March 10, 2013

Pinedale Spring Concert

As a parent, it makes you so proud to watch your child praise their Lord Jesus openly and willingly.  It is not uncommon for her to sing out various worship songs in the car.  Every Wednesday night, Brynn goes to Pinedale Church with her friend Molly.  While there, they take part in a children's choir, which performs several times per year for the congregation.  Brynn first did this in the fall for the Christmas production.  Today was the Spring/Easter production, in which preschool aged children stood on stage and performed two songs for various family members, friends, and members of the congregation.  It was great to see them sing along, perform the movements, and smile and wave as they periodically saw their loved ones in the crowd.  Needless to say, Jenni and I are very proud of Brynn and her eagerness to worship her Saviour.

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