Sunday, December 2, 2012

Just Shy of 6 Months

It is hard to believe that Madelyn is going to be six months old this week!! The time goes faster and faster each week. She continues to be the BEST baby I have ever met, and has the sweetest personality. She is patient, and laid back. She loves Brynn, and smiles when she sees or hears me.  Below is and update on Madelyn:
Favorites:  Toys that Light Up or Make Noise, and Exosaucer
Food: Any Fruit or Veggie Purreed.  (She will Eat ANYTHING)
Sleep: One Morning Nap (1 to 2 hrs.) One Afternoon Nap  (1 to 2 hrs)  Cat Nap around 4, Bed:7:30,
Wakes to Eat at 10, then at 5:00ish.
Milestones: She is begining to sit up for short amounts of time.  She grabs everything, and is begining to show the begining signs of crawling.
Language Skills:  Babbling. Will Babble with you, and back.  (No real words)
Clothes (6 Months, slightly smaller than B)

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